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The PNO happily invites you and your partner to join us in Berlin for the 33rd PI Meeting in September.

After a long break from real meetings because of Covid, we are more than excited to host this year's meeting in the German capital Berlin.

This year's meeting will be a combined one again so there will be five days filled with RPA, PICC, PITC and PITL Meetings and lots of discussions. Interesting technical updates as well as marketing and PI presentations are part of the agenda.

During the meetings, as in previous years, a program will be offered. Your partners are cordially invited to participate. In addition, we have created an evening program that is entirely in line with the Berlin flair.

We are looking forward to another successful PI Meeting with lots of interesting topics and networking.


Karsten Schneider

Please note: Registration for the meeting is possible until 14th August 2022.

