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OPC UA for Energy Consumption Management Companion Specification

OPC UA , PROFIenergy


This document defines a standardized information model on OPC UA for the purpose of defining interoperable interfaces and a standardized semantic for energy management systems in industrial automation and process automation industries. The purpose of an energy management system is to save overall energy consumption and energy costs, as well as the fulfilment of regulatory standards like ISO 50001 [1] and the protection of the climate.

The specification Energy Consumption Management is about the communication of energy related measurement data, which is to be used in the task of “analyse energy consumption” and in the advertisement and control of energy savings in the task of “realize energy savings”. Existing OPC UA models for Energy Management (OPC 30141) together with PI’s PROFIenergy specification serve as the basis for this companion specification.

Version: Draft RC  1.0.0
Order No.: OPC 34100
Language: English


Draft for review:

Version: Draft RC  1.0.0
Order No.: OPC 34100
Language: English

This draft is published for testing and review only. It must not be used for development purposes.

Comments to be submitted to  until June 17, 2024.


# Date Filename Type Size
18/03/2024 OPC34100-UA-for_Energy_Consumption_Management_RC100_Jan24.pdf pdf 1 MB